Sky News requested a live down-the-line interview on Ian King Live with the Chief Operating Officer of Currys to talk about Black Friday sales.
At short notice, we were called to provide a crew. At first, it was due to be at Oxford Street in London, and then it changed to Swindon, where we are based.
We sent a producer and cameraman to the Swindon branch of Currys. Working with the PR agency, we dressed the back of the shot and ensured the COO, Lindsay, was comfortable.
If you need any TV services please do reach out to us.
You can see the broadcast below.
#SkyNews #Currys #BlackFriday #IanKingLive #LiveU #LU800 #CameraCrew #Swindon #solo16 #TVCrew #broadcast #LiveUUK #LIVEUOperator #Wiltshire #Oxfordshire