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Conference & Event Filming - 1, 2 or 3 Cameras?

Updated: Feb 2, 2024

Conference and event filming London

Using more than one camera for conference or event filming will add significant production value to your final video, whether it is a live to a screen at the event, live streaming or for video-on-demand sites such as YouTube. Using multiple cameras helps to engage and entertain your audience and only the best footage will be seen by the viewer, with most of the camera movements and focusing avoided in a live scenario or removed completely during any editing after the event.

The more cameras we use at your event the better the finished video will look. If we add more cameras and technical crew the cost will increase slightly, however we feel the results will make it worthwhile. For conference filming we recommend 1, 2 or 3 cameras, often mixed with a feed of any PowerPoint or Keynote slides, this produces dynamic, high quality conference video content.

The single camera shoot - This is the most economical way to cover your event. The shot will be from a fixed position and will include all the camera zooms and these movements will be in the final video. Our operator will be aware of this however and will ensure the camera movements are as steady and as smooth as possible. This is an example of a still single camera event.

A two camera shoot - This allows for more creativity in the live mix or edit suite, one camera normally covers the close-up shots of your speakers whilst camera 2 is normally a wider angle to give a overview of what’s happening on stag. If the budget is tight then camera 2 can be a fixed shot and unmanned, this will help keep the costs down but still allow for visual variety when cutting between the two cameras. This is an example of the same event but with two cameras.

A three camera shoot - As above but camera 3 is normally positioned towards the front of the room to cover tighter presenter angles, any panel or close-up stage details and reverse shots of the audience, particularly useful for any Q&A sessions. This is an example of the same event but using three cameras.

The more cameras your budget allows for the better, but we understand not every ones conference budget will stretch to a multi-camera production, which is why we offer a range of conference filming packages with 1, 2 or 3 cameras starting at under £600 per day.

Do we need a licence to broadcast published music at this event? Read more here.

For more conference filming details give us a call or email us for no obligation help, advice and a quote.

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