Yesterday we supplied one of our camera crew to BBC Breakfast to broadcast the weather with Carol Kirkwood from the Cotswolds Reindeer Herd near Cirencester.
The broadcasts were sent via KU band satellite from UKI 1569, the BBC's satellite uplink truck based at Bristol.
Our cameraman was on-site from 4:45am until the programme went off air at 9am.
As part of our commitment to helping young people into television and newsgathering we took a local media student with us called Molly. Molly helped move equipment and was able to listen to the TV director and gallery in Salford.

You can watch most of our live hits below.
If you need a camera crew for television broadcasting do get in touch.
We provide live transmission via LiveU to any TV gallery or MCR globally.
We also offer TV crew in locations along the M4 corridor and beyond including London, Windsor, Reading, Dorset, Hampshire, Oxford, Swindon, Cotswolds and Bristol.
#CotswoldsCameraCrew, #CotswoldsTV, #LiveUinCotswolds, #CameraCrewCotswolds, #CotswoldsProduction, #CotswoldsFilmCrew, #LiveUProduction, #CotswoldsBroadcast, #LiveUStreamingCotswolds, #CotswoldsMedia, #LiveUCotswolds, #CotswoldsFilmography, #StreamCotswoldsLive, #TVBroadcastCotswolds #solo16Broadcast